October 06, 2017
Seven Grand Austin
Little River Dragway 13550 TX-95, Holland TX
First Pour Texas
Building something special for the long haul.
Tucked behind the bustle of 6th Street is the illustrious Seven Grand. A narrow bar about a bowling alley in length with a modern hunting lodge vibe and an impressive stretch of bottles that conjure up the endless varieties of cocktails served there. “I never thought I would want to open another bar until I met the guys behind Seven Grand. They’re all about building something special for the long-haul,” commented the head bar tender.
It was here Black Feather Whiskey and The Texas Gentlemen held the First Pour Texas: A launch event aimed at building something special. The evening started with cocktails on the patio as a Black Feather barrel top was prominently hung on the back wall. Later, a generous spread of Austin’s tastiest barbeque from Freedmen’s was put out for the hungry crowd and the mad scientists at Revival Cycles rolled out two retro bikes to commemorate the occasion.
When night fell, The Texas Gentlemen went on: They started with a handful of songs from their latest album TX Jelly. Everyone crowded around the pool tables, amps and drums as the band stepped it up with a few Willie covers, some swingy instrumentals, and the crowd-pleasing Habbie Doobie. For an encore The Gents embarked on a 20-minute jam session that ended in a cymbal-crashing group hypnosis of organ and guitar riffs.
Watch the video below for a taste of the First Pour Texas, and don’t forget to sign up and follow us on social for news on upcoming Featherhood get-togethers. We also recommend reading The Texas Gentlemen interview on Noisy and picking up TX Jelly for your next shindig.